Thursday 17 March 2011

Dave McDonald - Key Interview Points

The 3 key interview points are Personality, Portfolio and Passion

- Relaxed - Relax in the interview, your talking about a common favourite subject in design, theres no need to be nervous or uncomfortable
- Professional - Be punctual and have a professional attitude
- Honest - Be honest about your work, you will ALWAYS get caught out

- Genuine - Be genuine about your work and what you've done, you'll get caught out if it's not your work
- Confident - Be confident about your work, be proud of your portfolio
- Receptive - Take note of all advice given to you in the interview. These are respected designers with a lot of experience

- Brave - Be brave, talk about your work and take all opportunities thrown your way
- Committed - Be committed to the cause, don't give up
- Positive - Always have a positive outlook, it'll get you far

In Dave's opinion, these points can get you the extra yard on other designers trying for the same job.

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