Thursday 17 March 2011

Dave McDonald

Today Dave McDonald of Infinite Design gave a talk on his career, his work and advice on how to get a job.

Key Points on Dave's career so far:
- Graduated at Newcastle College 1996
- Went to London
- Worked at two leading companies
- Returned North after realising london wasn't for him
- Unemployed for 12months
- Took a design job, but quit on his 1st day
- Got a job for Infinite Design

Key Points on his work:
- Had an influence on 'Dancecity' design. He worked with the architects and created a well recognised brand
- Worked on Metro branding
- End Clothing brand work
- Virtual Motion Dance Company brand work
- Saints Hotel Newcastle

Key Advice:
- Source own projects to build portfolio
- Be honest with yourself - Is it what you want to do?
- Collaborate and become friends with people in the industry, and different specialisms in the industry
- Agree on payments before commencing work. Always cover your costs.

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